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Hepatitis B

Case  M.P., 24 y/o, Male single working at BN Farmwho was initially diagnosed with Hepa B by lab works, on PE, his BP was 110/70 CAR of 72/min, there is yellowish skin discoloration, (+) icterisia, abdomen was tender to touch, on palpation and coin scratch test the liver was noted at 2 cms below the
rib, right, the rest was unremarkable, diagnosis was UTI based on laboratory exam and Hepa B, he was prescribed with BN 1 sachet in AM and 1 sachet at bedtime. Patient was seen after 1 mo, he claimed to have better appetite and has been feeling much better since he took BN.,on PE, pt was pinkish, no sign
of yellowish discoloration of skin, liver can no longer be palpated and there is no more tenderness of the abdomen. Pts condition have greatly improved with BN. Follow up lab exams to follow.

- From Dr Kaye's case