The clinical research papers related to diabetes.
Our findings suggest that oxidative metabolism of leukocytes (monocytes and neutrophils) indeed significantly affected in the patients with diabetes mellitus. To our surprise, we found drastic difference in the oxidative metabolism of leukocytes from patients with insulin-dependent and insulin-independent diabetes mellitus: the oxygen radical production by IDDM cells was sharply suppressed in comparison with normal donors, while patients with IIDM must be divided into two subgroups with enhanced and reduced monocytic production of oxygen radicals. Our data for IDDM patients do not contradict the results obtained earlier for the patients with pronounced but not newly diagnosed IDDM [3, 21] because the initial stage of diabetes mellitus is apparently always characterized by the enhanced level of oxygen radical production by leukocytes. However, insulin is an inhibitor of oxygen radical release by leukocytes [21], therefore its prolonged administration to patients may be a major reason of the reduced oxygen radical release by leukocytes.
The impaired oxygen metabolism of circulating phagocytes can be an origin of the enhanced susceptibility of diabetic patients to infections and may at least partly explain numerous immune abnormalities also frequently observed in these patients. Therefore, we believe that the application of Bio-normalizer capable of normalizing the oxygen radical production by inflammatory cells [16, 17] is a perspective route for combating these toxic manifestations. It was found that BN administration indeed brings the enhanced and reduced levels of oxygen radical production by both IDDM and IIDM cells to normal values. (It should be stressed that there were no any significant changes in the leukocyte oxidative metabolism of patients of control groups). It seems to be very important that monocytic NO production was also normalized after BN administration that can induce improvement in vascular permeability and tonus and lead to fast wound healing.
- Double-Blind Study of Bio-normalizer Effects on Oxygen Radical Production and Carbohydrate Binding with Circulating Blood Leukocytes in Patients with Insulin-Independent Diabetes Mellitus
1. BN administration improved significantly patients’ clinical conditions and their quality of life. This conclusion is based on the patients’ and physicians’ observations.
2. BN administration resulted in normalization of oxygen radical production by blood monocytes: it inhibited initially enhanced oxygen radical generation in patients with IIDM of both types. At the same time, BN administration induced an elevation of initially suppressed oxygen radical generation by monocytes from patients with IIDM. Thus finding can be considered as an universal molecular mechanism by which BN improves the clinical conditions in patients with diabetes mellitus.
3. BN administration inhibited the increased nitric oxide production by blood monocytes in IIDM patients. As a consequence, BN administration normalized the vessel contraction/relaxation and permeability.
4. BN administration increased the carbohydrate binding with monocytes that in turn improves the glucose utilization and its transportation to tissues.
5. These results provide a theoretical basis for BN implementation in diabetic patients with vascular and infectious complications.
6. As we know from the previous studies that BN supplementation significantly lowers blood lipid peroxidation products, it could be beneficial in reducing risk of cardiovascular disease in diabetic patients.
- On basic research “Bio-Normalizer Effects on Nitric Oxide/Superoxide Balance and Ultrastructural Changes in the Experimental Model of Streptozotocin-lnduced Diabetes”
- Effects of Bio-Normalizer on Biochemical and Structural Parameters in Rats with Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes
- Effects of Bio-Normalizer on the Free Radicals and Immune Status of Patients with Chronic Viral Hepatitis, Diabetes Mellitus and Atopic Diseases
- Bio-Normalizer Approach in Management of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus and Hepatitis