Benefits/ Clinical Research
Fermented Green Papaya Enzyme known as Bio Normalizer is a very unique food supplement. More than 130 academic papers have been published, based on clinical research in the last 5 decades.
Fermented Green Papaya Enzyme could help your quality of life by improving your Gut Health.

Why “Fermented Green Papaya Enzyme”?
Most food enzymes lose its activity by 42℃. to 48℃and in gastric acid/ stomach. However, Fermented Green Papaya Enzyme does not lose its enzymic activity even at a 100℃ temperature and gastric acid.
Traditional Japanese fermentation process with yeast/ Sun-O strain that Dr Osato discovered, produces lots of probiotics within green papaya which would promote your gut health.*If the yeast/ strain is different, the result of fermented food will be different. You may find similar products but it is not the original one.
It is proven that it is safe for children and pregnant women to eat. *If you have any food allergy with reference to the ingredients, please do not eat.
Fermented Green Papaya Enzyme known as Bio Normalizer has been discussed in more than 130 academic papers.
Clinical research has been conducted in the last 5 decades. All the academic papers are available in English for medical professionals and scientists.
The academic papers cover
Immunology, Diabetes, Cardiology, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Infectious Diseases, Microbiology, Neurology, Oncology, Rheumatology, Toxicology, Dermatology, General Medicine, Geriatrics, Hematology, Opthalmology, Parisitology, Pulmonology
The following are acclaimed research institutes that have published academic research papers about Bio-Normalizer/ Fermented Green Papaya Enzyme:
🇯🇵 Japan
Okayama University, Gifu University, Shimane University, Ehime University, Nagoya City University, Osaka Dental University, Yamagata Technopolis Foundation, FALCO Research Institute/ National Cancer Center East Hospital Gastroenterology Department, Incorporated Foundation Kyoto Louis Pasteur Medical Research Center
🇺🇸 USA
Berkeley School of the University of California
🇫🇷 France
University of Bordeaux, Econam Research Institute
🇮🇹 Italy
Sapienza School of the University of Rome, St. Anna Hospital, Niguarda Hospital
🇵🇭 The Philippines
University of Sto. Tomas, Bicol Hospital, Natural Science Research Institute of the University of Sto. Tomas
🇷🇺 Russia
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Russian National Medical University, Russian Children's Hematology Institute, Russia Vitamin Research Institute