Happy New Year to You All in 2025!

Thank you so much for your incredible support for Fermented Green Papaya Enzyme (Bio Normalizer). My name is Saeko Komai, and I’m proud to be the face behind FGPE! :)
2024 was a remarkable year, as it marked the highest number of people who tried our FGPE throughout the year. Many nutritional therapists, naturopathic practitioners, and some medical doctors began exploring and learning about this unique fermented food. Notably, Medical Aesthetic Clinic, The Clinic/Norwich started stocking FGPE, while Springwell Clinic and Energy Medicine Clinic/Zenergetics began recommending it to their clients. We’ve received wonderful feedback from their clients, and it’s been incredibly encouraging.
To those of you receiving this newsletter, you likely know that FGPE is my passion. I truly believe it has the potential to change lives, just as it did for my grandmother. This is why I often set aside other work to prioritize responding quickly to questions from both practitioners and customers. (I’m not sure if this is the best business attitude, but it’s how I operate.) While my emails tend to be long, it’s because I aim to provide detailed and personalized responses. If you’d like tailored advice, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at skomai@toneko.co.uk —I’m always happy to assist. No problem at all in setting other work aside!
Looking ahead to 2025, my hope is to reach even more people and support their health with FGPE.
I’d like to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude:
- To my grandmother, who showed me just how powerful FGPE can be. Without her, I wouldn’t be doing this work, and FGPE might never have made its way to the UK or EU.
- To the practitioners who have supported FGPE and shared it with others:
- Dr Maria San Diego/ Dr Kaye, MD
- Dr Miriam Mikicki, MD
- Dr Masayuki Sano, MD
- Lowell Riezouw/ Energy Medicine practitioner
- Joolia Gilvey/ Nurse Prescriber
- Stephanie Green/ Aesthetic Nurse Specialist
- Julie Silver/ Nutritional Therapist
- Kerry Madgwick/ Clinical Nutritionist
- Lila Yanez-Renshaw/ Nutritional Therapist
- Barbara Radulska-Orzlowska/ Clinical Herbalist
- Izzy Seadon/ Nutritional Therapist
- Jana Jung/ Certified Naturopath
- Anna Pazdzior/ Aesthetician
- ... and so many more
Thank you all so much, and I look forward to continuing this journey with you as we help more people discover this unique fermented food.