Yasue's recipe 🍃 Vegan Lemon Curd Recipe
Gluten-free/Plant-based/Refined sugar-free

Enjoy a healthy version of this wonderful spread!
Lemons come into season with the first signs of spring. According to the macrobiotic approach, eating fresh seasonal food, supplements the body's need for nutrients at that time of year and helps the body to adapt well to seasonal changes.
Lemon curd can be served with bread and yoghurt at anytime of day, as well as being a great dessert. Normally lemon curd recipes have butter and eggs, but not in this recipe. It is also very easy to make. Mix Fermented Green Papaya Enzyme into the guilt-free spread on a daily basis and consume regularly to help maintain a healthy intestinal environment. The body is very sensitive to seasonal changes. So, stay at your best with fresh seasonal food and Fermented Green Papaya Enzyme!
Tips about ingredients
- Place the canned coconut milk over hot water to melt the coconut fat inside, then shake the can well to mix.
- Place the 1 tbsp Water and 2 tsp Corn starch in a pan and mix well. Then leave it for 5 minutes.

ENJOY! :-)
Tips about Method

Yasué Matsuda
Currently living in Japan (until Mar.2024 in the UK)
My key cooking theme is 'Kenohi's Kitchen'. This means 'Everyday cooking makes you'.
Found out to have delayed gluten allergy in 2017 I started gluten-free arrangement cooking with plant-based food after overcoming Leaky Gut Syndrome through a medical diet. Completed Macrobiotic Cooking School LIMA Master Course, which was first established in 1965 in Japan. Also completed the course PLANT-BASED NUTRITION at the University of Winchester. Pursuing healthy but delicious cooking with my foodie passion!
Website: https://note.com/kitchen_kenohi/ (Japanese only/ English version is coming up.)
-Published on 6th March 2023