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Case M.R., 50 y/o, female, single presently residing at La Mesa, Calamba, Laguna who first consulted us because of hoarseness of voice, itchy skin, and right flank pain and constipation. On PE, V/S were normal, abdomen was slightly tender on the right, there were collarettes on her eyelashes OU. She was diagnosed to have Blepharitis, OU; R/O large intestinal Obstruction. Lab requests were given and she was advised to take BN 2 sachets at bedtime. Because of financial constraint, the patient took BN half sachet at bedtime irregularly, on follow up, apparently she had better bowel movement, (-) right flank pain, but there were hard nodular tender lesions over her right and left hands, she was assessed to be
experiencing healing crisis. After a week, her lab works revealed high creatinine of 3.89 mg/dl and BUN of 6.3 mg/dl, this time there are still lesions over both hands but has dried up with less pain. She decided to take BN 2 sachets regularly with continuous spraying of BN soln over her lesions, after 3 weeks, her creatinine was down to 0.6 (which is the lower normal limit) and BUN of 5.63 mg/d (which is within
Normal limits). There were no more lesions and constipation has been resolved, no more flank pains and on PE, everything was essentially normal.


− From Dr Kaye's case